Sunny Energy

​​Sunny Energy is a leading company dedicated to facilitating the transition to solar energy for individuals and businesses across the United States. Their comprehensive range of services includes the seamless delivery and expert installation of solar panels and batteries

Web App redesign

Design system

User research

Some of opportunities encountered and their solutions

User research – understanding the users and how to save up on development

When the company approached us to update the design of their internal WebApp and incorporate new functionality, we recognized the importance of conducting user research to ensure a user-centered approach. 

To begin, we proposed conducting Personas research to gain a deeper understanding of the needs and objectives of the company's employees. Through this research, we identified three primary user groups: managers, installers, and C-level executives. To gather insights, we conducted interviews, surveys, and other market research methods with representatives from each group. This allowed us to gather valuable information about their pain points, goals, and motivations. 

Using the information collected, we developed detailed personas for each user group. These personas served as a foundation for designing a flexible UX structure that allows for customized access and functionality. By enabling the ability to turn on/off specific sections and blocks, the WebApp can effectively manage and tailor the user experience for each user group.

WebApp Redesign

Drawing on the insights obtained from our research, we undertook a comprehensive redesign of Sunny Energy's WebApp, encompassing over 1000 screens. Our goal was to enhance the overall user experience and improve usability throughout the platform. 

To achieve this, we introduced new features that catered to the specific needs of the users. One notable addition was a personalized calendar for managers, providing real-time visibility into ongoing installations. This feature empowered managers to stay updated and make informed decisions promptly. 

In addition to functionality improvements, we focused on enhancing the visual design of the WebApp. By implementing a more modern and intuitive interface, users can effortlessly navigate the platform and effortlessly access the information they require, even amidst its inherent complexity. The result is a user-friendly and efficient platform that has significantly increased worker satisfaction and overall productivity at Sunny Energy.

Design system creation

We collaboratively created a comprehensive UI kit to streamline the management and maintenance of Sunny Energy's app design. This UI kit encompasses all essential design assets, including icons, fonts, and color palettes. 

Through the development of this centralized and user-friendly UI kit, we equipped Sunny Energy with the ability to efficiently create new designs and implement updates. This not only saves valuable time and resources but also ensures consistency and coherence in their visual identity across all products and services.

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