
Tulipshare, a fintech startup based in London, an app that allows users to invest in companies featured on its platform. Through it, users are pooling their investing power with other like-minded investors

Design system

Mobile app design

User research


Some of opportunities encountered and their solutions

KYC flow — increasing the key metrics


Ensuring a high KYC (Know Your Customer) rate is crucial for the Tulipshare app as it directly impacts user-base growth and safeguards the platform against fraudulent activities. However, the low KYC rate posed a challenge and negatively affected the investing users metric, which we aimed to improve.


We implemented several improvements to enhance the KYC flow:

Optimized input ordering by pre-filling certain fields based on previous user information

Included helpful hints for documents that users may only encounter a few times in their lives

Guided users through the flow by automatically selecting the next input once the previous one was completed

Strategically placed complex information at the end of the funnel, encouraging users who have already invested time to complete the process

In addition to these enhancements, we introduced a Documents Upload (DU) feature to further improve conversion rates in the KYC flow. This feature enables users to upload additional documents, enhancing the success rate of the process. By allowing users to provide more documentation, we ensure thorough identity verification and compliance with regulations. Moreover, the DU feature enhances the overall user experience by making the KYC process more convenient and efficient.


After extensive testing and iteration, we achieved an impressive in conversion rates, reaching a remarkable 80-90%. This significant improvement demonstrates our ability to streamline and optimize the KYC process, ensuring a smooth and user-friendly experience. By enhancing the reliability and trustworthiness of Tulipshare, our efforts have contributed to its growth and established it as a preferred platform for investors.

Mobile and web apps rebranding on scale

Growth point

This intricate undertaking involved a comprehensive overhaul of numerous screens and web and mobile platforms. To navigate this complexity, we adopted a structured approach, dividing the rebranding process into two distinct steps while ensuring consistency across all touchpoints. Concurrently, we focused on refining existing features and introducing new ones, resulting in an elevated user experience alongside an upgraded user interface.

Throughout the rebranding journey, we relied on UI kits and styles as reliable foundations, guaranteeing the consistent application of the new brand identity across all touchpoints. To maintain order and control, we created two distinct versions of the UI kits, tailored for each phase of the rebranding process, serving as valuable guidance for the development team.

By providing clear design guidelines, we facilitated the seamless and efficient implementation of the new brand identity by the development team, culminating in a successful and cohesive rebranding process.


This intricate undertaking involved a comprehensive overhaul of numerous screens and web and mobile platforms. To navigate this complexity, we adopted a structured approach, dividing the rebranding process into two distinct steps while ensuring consistency across all touchpoints. Concurrently, we focused on refining existing features and introducing new ones, resulting in an elevated user experience alongside an upgraded user interface.Throughout the rebranding journey, we relied on UI kits and styles as reliable foundations, guaranteeing the consistent application of the new brand identity across all touchpoints. To maintain order and control, we created two distinct versions of the UI kits, tailored for each phase of the rebranding process, serving as valuable guidance for the development team.By providing clear design guidelines, we facilitated the seamless and efficient implementation of the new brand identity by the development team, culminating in a successful and cohesive rebranding process.


The rebranding of Tulipshare has yielded several notable outcomes, positively impacting the company.Primarily, it has breathed fresh life into Tulipshare's image, positioning the company for future growth and prosperity. The revamped brand identity is visually captivating and coherent, effectively captivating and retaining users. Furthermore, the rebranding has cultivated a heightened sense of professionalism and trustworthiness, particularly crucial in the financial realm.

In addition, the rebranding endeavour has significantly enhanced the user experience by optimising the interface's intuitiveness and user-friendliness. Consequently, this has fostered heightened engagement and satisfaction levels among Tulipshare's user base.

Referral program

Growth point

To tackle this issue heads-on, we devised and implemented a comprehensive referral program. Our approach involved rigorous testing and continuous enhancements, including the integration of an impact calculator and a users leaderboard, to maximize the program's effectiveness.


To tackle this issue heads-on, we devised and implemented a comprehensive referral program. Our approach involved rigorous testing and continuous enhancements, including the integration of an impact calculator and a users leaderboard, to maximize the program's effectiveness.


The introduction of the referral program resulted in a remarkable reduction in Tulipshare's CAC, ranging from $25 to $45. This marked decrease surpassed the industry average, highlighting the program's exceptional ability to foster organic growth and minimize marketing expenses.

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